Image Description

Flippy Knife

Beresnev Games

Platform Android, IOS
Age rating Unknown

Game Description

Flippy Knife is an action game. It is developed by Beresnev Games. It was published for Android devices in August 2017 and for iOS devices in November 2020.

This is a physics based knife throwing game. Suitable game for people who love aiming and knives.

This game has 7 modes. Combo, Boom, Arcade, Target, Climb, Fight and Race.

Combo mode is a relaxing mode. You can throw knives and improve your aiming skills as long as you want. Here you can try to beat your old scores. In Boom mode, you will be provided with a given number of knives. A bomb will be placed nearby hidden by wooden planks. Throw the knife to break the wooden planks and hit the bomb to activate it. You will receive coins according to your performance.

In Arcade mode, you have to travel around by jumping from one wooden plank to another. There will be coins placed in-between each plank. All the coins your knife touches will be yours. Target mode is kind of a time passing task, where you just throw knives at targets.

In Climb mode you climb up by throwing your knife from one tree trunk to the other. You can also collect coins in this mode. In Fight mode, you have to defeat other players and be the last one standing. Race mode is where you can tryout all your knives.

To unlock each mode you will have to achieve certain items first. You can buy new knives with the coins you have gained and add them to your knife collection. You can earn more coins buy completing challenges too.

The control is very simple in this game. Tap above your knife, hold and drag upwards in the direction you want and then release to throw.

Flippy Knife is a simple a colorful game to play. It also requires a little patience from the players.

Questions & Answers

Can I play Flippy Knife offline?

Yes, you can play it offline.

Do I need an account to play Flippy Knife?

You need an account to play this game.

What is the age rating for Flippy Knife?

It is rated PEGI 3. The content of the game is considered suitable for all age groups.

What devices is Flippy Knife compatible with?

You can play it on devices with at least Android version 4.1 or iOS version 9.0

Does Flippy Knife contain ads?

Yes, it contains ads.